Support for QLD Small Business
Flor- Hanly - Monday, July 30, 2018
Advancing Small Business Queensland
The Advancing Small Business Queensland Strategy 2016-20 is positioning Queensland as the place for small businesses to start, grow and employ.

The first few years in business are often the toughest, and the Queensland Government is delivering targeted support for business to get a better start, survive the first four years and increase their digital capabilities. It also provides specific support for regional business, recognising how vital they are to their local communities and the Queensland economy.
Through this strategy, the government is a champion for small business, with stronger advocacy at state and federal government levels, as well as strengthening collaboration between government and stakeholders.
Key themes
There are three key themes to the strategy: advocate, enable and empower. Each theme has its own focus and range of programs with a specific aim to assist small business owners to succeed:
- Advocate - a champion for small business
- Enable - make it easier to do business
- Empower - driving innovation, stronger businesses, growth and employment
Visit their website to drill into the detail on the types of support available and how to apply or call the team at Flor-Hanly in Mackay on 07 4963 4800.
Connect with us whatever way you like!