Fair Work Commission introduced part-time employment conditions to Road Transport (Long Distance) Award.
Employees can now be employed on a part-time basis from the first full pay period on or after 28 February 2018.

Before this change, employees could only be employed as full-time or casual. Specific rules for part-time employees have also been introduced.
What are the new rules for part-time employees?
Employers and part-time employees need to agree in writing on a regular roster pattern. The roster needs to set out the hours and the days of the week the employee will work. The hours need to be less than 38 per week and can be averaged over a maximum of 28 days.
Part-time employees need to be paid a minimum per day of either:
Employers can’t force part-time employees to work on days they haven’t agreed to.
However, part-time employees who agree to work on a day that isn’t one they usually work on are entitled to be paid an extra 15% loading for the time worked. This applies whether an employee is paid by the hour or per kilometre, as well as for time spent loading and unloading.
Part-time employees are also entitled to the award’s guaranteed fortnightly payment conditions.
What do you need to do?
Check out the updated
Road Transport (Long Distance) Award,
summary of the Road Transport (Long Distance) Award and
Part-time employees page for more information about part-time employment conditions.
Use the updated
Pay Calculator or award
Pay Guide to get the pay rates and penalties that apply to part-time employment.
Visit the workplace relations Library to learn more about other pay and conditions in this award or call the Flor-Hanly team in Mackay on 07 4963 4800.
Connect with us whatever way you like!