Finding lost superannuation
Flor- Hanly - Sunday, March 03, 2019
Finding super sparks $860 million of joy
Data released by the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) shows that Australians were busy finding and consolidating their super accounts towards the end of 2018.

Assistant Commissioner Graham Whyte said that these figures were an encouraging result as the ATO continues its drive to reunite people with their hard-earned superannuation and minimise fees through consolidating multiple accounts. This represents real savings and a better retirement outcome.
“Tidying up seems to be a hot topic at the moment, so before you spend too much time re-organising your sock drawer and kitchen cupboards this summer, take a few minutes to tidy up your superannuation. Seeing the extra money in your consolidated superannuation will definitely spark joy,” Mr Whyte said.
People in New South Wales are leading the way in tidying up their superannuation.
“But there is still over $17.5 billion in lost and unclaimed super," Mr Whyte said.
You can view all your superannuation account details, including any that you have lost or forgotten, and consolidate your accounts any time by linking your myGov account to ATO online services.
“If you’re not sure whether to consolidate, check with your super fund who can advise you on issues such as insurance that may be attached to your accounts”, Mr Whyte said.
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