Dept TMR drought assistance package


Dept TMR drought assistance package

Flor- Hanly - Sunday, October 07, 2018

Drought assistance package

The QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads provides a drought assistance package for eligible registered operators.

droughtThe drought assistance package information bulletin gives an overview of the drought assistance provided by the department to primary producers. This package is offered in conjunction with the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) and the Queensland Police Service.

Any guidelines mentioned in this package can be found on the Heavy vehicle guidelines and class permits page.

Primary producers are eligible for drought assistance if their property has been drought declared by DAF.

Find out more information about drought assistance by calling DAF on the drought information hotline—1800 025 656(x). There is also drought assistance information available from DAF's website.

Click here to access the bulletin and guidelines or call Flor-Hanly in Mackay on 07 4963 4800.

x Free call within Australia. Call charges may apply from mobile phones.

Source Dept TMR Qld

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